Best Practices for Chefs, Cooks and Bakers

All Dynamo chefs have a critical role to play in making DynamoKitchen safe, respectful, and successful platform. Please read and adhere to the following best practices. 

  1. Aim to impress your customers both on the food and services you provide. Go above and beyond expectations whenever possible.
  2. Offer compelling value such as weekly or daily features, “happy-hour” type prices, and 2 for 1 deals.
  3. Be as flexible as possible and accommodate your customers’ wishes and preferences.
  4. Offer to deliver the order if the customer is within a short distance or makes larger order. You may also provide own delivery service for an additional fee.
  5. Market yourself on social media and let potential customers know about your cooking/baking skills and offerings. Tag @DynamoKitchen on your social media posts so customers can quickly order from you on DynamoKitchen platform.
  6. Communicate with customers prior to finalizing the order,if necessary, to avoid any confusion.
  7. Only high-quality, legal foods and beverages are allowed on DynamoKitchen platform. No inappropriate conduct or behaviour is permitted. Any improper activity can result in suspension or even a permanent ban.  We expect and encourage everyone to be a great community member.